Background Checks
Garuda Intelligence and Security Services offers vital information that protects your company and its workers. We perform background checks to safeguard businesses from careless hiring and lessen the likelihood of concerns like workplace violence, theft, disturbance, and other problems. Our background checks in Chennai comprise a reliable investigation that aids in discovering the candidate's prior convictions or criminal history. Incorrectly disclosing a past criminal record of any kind can also be used as a reason to reject a candidate. When doing a background investigation, the location where the applicant has resided, worked, or attended school for the previous seven years should be investigated.
Types of Background Check
01 - Employment Screening
02 - Physical Verification
03 - Relationship Background Check
04- Criminal Background Check
05 - Financial Background Check
06 - Family Background Check
Types of Background Check
The idea of a background check in Chennai, Tamil Nadu is crucial to private investigation. Background checks may be conducted for many different reasons. Background checks are crucial when hiring domestic help like a driver or a full-time housekeeper, among other things. They may be required for employment, marriage, or business partnerships. However, the requirements for each of the aforementioned types of background checks are unique, and relatively few individuals are aware of this.

1. Employment Screening
Start date, finish date, and position are all included in our background check report. You can choose to hire more qualified candidates if you have reliable information about a candidate’s prior employment. The candidate’s finishing salary, reason for leaving, and rehire eligibility may also be discovered via a pre-employment check. This employee screening programme checks the institution’s accreditation status, the start and end dates, the major, and the degree to counteract resume inflation. Finding out the academic credential verification and job profile authentication is mandatory because a background check for employment without a background check for education is useless.
2. Physical Verification
All addresses where the individual moves about randomly are physically visited by our private detectives conducting background investigations. The activity tracking yields images and videos proving the presence of the suspect in various places. This even extracts any suspect-related information that was obscured.
We carry out a covert investigation on the candidate’s credibility. This facilitates the approval of applicants who lack a criminal history but have violent tendencies. Analysing is a necessary component of any background checks. Nevertheless, some businesses steer clear of it to save money. Every time we conduct a background check, we advise doing this in order to follow the subject physically and examine every facet of the person.
3. Relationship Background Check
The experienced team offers a thorough, accurate report that is completely objective regarding a person’s relationship status. The customers come to us for post- and pre-marriage investigations in order to learn specifics about the target’s social life and level of indulgence (both physically and emotionally). The investigative team also learns how many relationships, past relationships, romantic relationships, or other types of commitments there are.
4. Criminal Background Check
Any criminal offences, including misdemeanours, felonies, convictions, outstanding arrest warrants, arrest history, and particular offences like theft, assault, and sexual offences, will be made public by a criminal background check. There are various reasons to look into someone’s criminal background.
5. Financial Background Check
Financial fraud, which is essentially what the Financial Background Check is, is an intentional act of dishonesty involving financial transactions for the purpose of personal benefit. Employees who manage the company’s finances are viewed as critical personnel who have access to all internal information when a financial fraud occurs within the organisation. Since they are the management’s most dependable team members, whenever financial fraud occurs, management typically avoids confronting them because they typically know too much. To identify the offenders, Garuda Intelligence and Security Services typically use various methodologies.
6. Family Background Check
Garuda Intelligence and Security Services carries out a background check on the bride and groom’s family, which includes looking into their social standing, financial situation, character, habits, nature, education, and any other suspicious issues they may have. There are occasionally specific requirements, particularly in the event of second marriages.
Garuda Intelligence and Security Services – Background Check
Garuda Intelligence and Security Services is highly professional and goal-oriented. Our main goal at Background Check is “quality,” which we ardently pursue. Quantity doesn’t matter much to us when it comes to how we operate. In our company, it is believed that while quantity may increase wealth and bring in money, it consistently sacrifices client satisfaction as well as self-esteem at the workplace.
With affiliates and colleagues in every metro, Garuda Intelligence and Security Services has progressively developed into one of the top companies in the nation in its industry. We are now a force to be reckoned with. We continue to take a very professional, pragmatist attitude to the business at hand while still encouraging a private approach for the clients. Our research and observations are always supported by a report that is succinct, coherent, clear, unambiguous, and in-depth and is able to resist testing under adverse conditions. This has helped to strengthen our reputation as the most trustworthy company in the industry. Demands for assignments from abroad have been made possible by the certifications provided by our esteemed clientele. Now, clients are coming to us from different nations.
With affiliates and colleagues in every metro, Garuda Intelligence and Security Services has progressively developed into one of the top companies in the nation in its industry. We are now a force to be reckoned with. We continue to take a very professional, pragmatist attitude to the business at hand while still encouraging a private approach for the clients. Our research and observations are always supported by a report that is succinct, coherent, clear, unambiguous, and in-depth and is able to resist testing under adverse conditions. This has helped to strengthen our reputation as the most trustworthy company in the industry. Demands for assignments from abroad have been made possible by the certifications provided by our esteemed clientele. Now, clients are coming to us from different nations.